Techniques to love and share! Are you ready to be on top of Search Engines and increase traffic?

  • Content: Focus on first paragraph and mind to make it readable and well-presented with bullets, titles and pointing out main phrases and brand’s attributes (bold, italics and underline).
  • Linking: Quality and relevant Internal linking is the base of your SEO linking strategy provided that each page has unique content.
  • Keywords: Choose carefully content in order to be well written without over-come the limit with keywords, avoid repeating and plan carefully your content.
  • URL: Avoid use of numbers and a lot of words and prefer a combination of keywords to include in your URL’s for maximum results.

  • Images: Use alt tags and description in images uploaded in order to make them SEO friendly
  • Page Indexing: Ensure that your page will be indexed immediately by posting your page to social media with relevant content.
  • HTML: SEO friendly html5 websites with CSS3c is always the king for a successful SEO.
  • Meta-Tags: They are not only the magical meta-data that will rank your page first in search engines but they play a significant role and they must be included in the SEO Strategy

 View more for a successful SEO Strategy at Mozaik Website!