Follow SEO methods in your retail e-commerce site and achieve higher organic search rankings and revenue.

  1. Product Name: Use a site product name(also used in meta-data)  that will place your page high when someone searches for your product category e.g “midi black dress lana” instead of “lana dream”.
  2. Content: Explain the advantages of your product and the unique selling proposition of your product but also mind to optimize the copy using the keywords that will place your page on top of Google Search.
  3. Social Media: Use content marketing tools like blog and social (including G+) to create strong link building by using keywords in your content.
  4. Sitemap: Update visible sitemap and XML sitemap file often so that the full product listing can be indexed by search engines.
  5. Mobile: Shoppers expect unique capabilities using their mobile devices apart from compatibility with forecasts indicating that mobile will be the place for E-Commerce sites in the direct future.
  6. Google Adwords: Be the first one in your market to adopt a dynamic Adwords strategy, achieve low cost-per-click for your campaigns and be the leader in your online market.
  7. Location: Use Google Places to include all detailed information about your e-shop taking into consideration surveys reporting that large search traffic is related to location search.

Learn now more details for E-Commerce by Mozaik.